If you happened to be in Manchester and the surrounding areas, there was a-to-face meeting with Nadine concerning creative endeavors. I find the initiative to be commendable and believe it should be extended throughout Jamaica. The discussion was quite lively, and I would to share some highlights with you as presented by Lady Renae Stewart, a member of the event team.
Important points mentioned by the three presenters namely: Pastor Alex Scott, Pastor Andrea Roberts and Dr. Nadine Blair
• Build a strategy - Whether you are an artiste or a worship leader
• Create a list of people who will help you along the way
• Partnerships and networking are important...make it international
• Some connections to make use of ... producers, record labels, other artistes, publishers
• We are not islands - therefore we cannot be effective alone
• Collaborate with artistes, musicians etc. In so doing they will help link you with others as well
• Form relationships with persons or places that push songs
• Have a business/professional mindset
• Record songs - use bandwidth... Social Media to spread your message and also use it to network.
• Study music - records that are currently impacting the world
• Start small and build
• Build a home studios … research companies that can help and invest in music
• We must be cognizant of digital ways to reach people in this new age
• Be relevant – with the use of Instagram, tiktok, FB etc
• People come to church to hear a good word AND good music … those are the main two areas of focus
• What we place online should be quality content because people can click on other ministries and get quality
• Rededicate and commit yourself to Christ. Don't do music for you: Go ye therefore and teach all nations
Stay in His presence so that you are led by the Spirit
Personal preparation is of utmost importance
The spirits you open up to can be imparted to the persons in the audience who are weak – you will be held accountable for the persons you have impacted negatively
You need an ‘Hour for power’ preparation time as you seek God about what he wants you to say and sing/do. We must be in prayer
When introducing a new song, first paint a picture in the mind's of the audience in relation to the song you are introducing. You may use a very short story
Take them on the journey with you. You can interject that same or similar reference while singing the song as well
eg rain came wind blew... have u ever been in a storm? Where the rain pelts the surrounding area and the wind reeks havoc?
Send songs to Audio/Visual teams early...NOT Sunday morning
Ensure the songs flow – whether you are an artiste or a worship leader
Line up your songs using a theme to connect them... eg... glory to God, or great God
Use the songs to also take them on a journey
You have to do your home work for the Holy Spirit to show up – preparation is key!
On the matter of Choir/worship team members who may not have the confidence to lead:
Empower your members to function
Take it in baby steps
Whether you need to individualize their rehearsal/do it in the corporate setting
Let them do a single verse at first instead of an entire song
Commend them...make a thing of it! In front of the choir/team and the congregation – as applies
A lot of singing is psychological... help people get over their hang ups
Let them know you believe in them. And create a space to grow, develop their self-esteem and their gifting
Incrementally increase their responsibility
On the matter being paid, the question was asked ‘What of the Levites?’
Levites were:
They practiced - they were totally given to the time necessary to perfect their duties without limitation
They were treated like other temple workers ... ie. taken care of
Priests could not buy or invest in land...the Lord Himself was their inheritance...whatever was taken into the house was for them.
Their context was different
Levites were to give as much time as was required in preparation for ministry
This was a full time calling
However, if you have the calling, run with the vision whether you are paid or not
Give your best to God because at the end of the day we are accountable to Him
1 Chron 25
David set up leaders in the music ministry
Skilled persons
Some were appointed to teach their sons... succession
Give the kids a chance to perform and lead...create a succession plan
Pour into those who will come after you
What was most humbling is the fact that such a stalwart did it for free. Tell me now, who does that? Most things are about gatekeeping and we are so grateful. Were you there? What were your thoughts?
Also, Let me know if your side of world would welcome such an event?